It's back! Wake & Break(fast) is one of our most popular events of the year so come early if you want that ah-maze-ing Donut Breakfast Sandwich! Tap list features breakfast-inspired beers.
Here’s a partial list of beers:
Bakery: Cherry Pie | Pastry Stout | The Bruery
Jumbo Coffee Morning | Espresso Vanilla Porter | Fieldwork Brewing
Golden Stout | Karl Strauss Brewing Company
Any Beans Necessary | Golden Ale | Barebottle Brewing Company
Fruit of the Bloom | American IPA | Alvarado Street Brewing
Citrus Shakes | Milkshake IPA | Barebottle Brewing Company
Wild Blueberry | Wheat Ale | Sea Dog Brewery
Sids Serrano | Pepper Pale Ale | Taplands